Technological Change
- Created by: Karris Baker
- Created on: 12-06-15 18:29
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- Technological Change
- reasons for technological change
- improve products (increase competitiveness and/or pursue growth oppurtunities
- improve processes (increase efficiency... reduce costs, maximise sales, share, profits, profitability, return on investment
- theories
- Ansoff's matrix
- Porter's 5 forces (increase in new entrants and substitutes because of tech change)
- Porter's generic strategies
- depends on...
- capital/labour intesnity
- nature of the transformation process e.g. Hanson Brick = simple, Airbus wing factory = complex
- facts
- UK manufacturing accounts for 70% of UK investment in R+D
- pharmaceuticals, biotechnology + aerospace have highest R+D spending
- oppurtunities
- takes away constraint of location
- 3D printing - mass customisation
- green technologies
- nanotechnology
- company examples
- Airbus + Boeing - increasingly using advanced composite materials
- Nissan - use of computer-controlled robots has helped sunderland factory become one of the most productive in europe
- Nissan - nanopaint - world's 1st self-cleaning car
- JLR - 3D design technology - virtual prototypes, assess + evaluate the impact of changes to the design
- GlaxoSmithKline - future manufacturing requires an increasingly skilled workforce to keep up with the rate of tech change.
- reasons for technological change
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