The USSR under Pressure
A mind map to show the state the USSR at the beginning of the 1980's following the collapse of détente and
- Created by: Sam Brewer
- Created on: 10-05-13 12:04
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- The USSR under Pressure
- Following Brezhnev's death in 1982, the Soviet economy was struggling
- Rate of growth of consumer goods had levelled to zero
- Health care quality dropped
- Infant mortality rate rose
- Gross national product between 1965 and 1970 was 5.2%
- Between 1975 and 1980 GNP had dropped to 2.7%
- GNP is used to measure the economic growth/decline of a nation. It is the annual value of a nations productivity in terms of manufacturing and services
- Technological advanced the USSR had made in space and the military weren't transferred over to the civilian world
- Number of telephones:
- USSR: 16 million
- USA 138 million
- Number of computers:
- USA: 170,000
- USSR: 15,000
- Number of telephones:
- Industrial decline caused by the international recession between 1979 and 1982 weakened communist control on the Eastern bloc states
- USSR unable to supply cheap supplies to its satellites so stopped receiving manufactured goods
- Undermined confidence in the communist system
- USSR unable to supply cheap supplies to its satellites so stopped receiving manufactured goods
- Droughts and bad harvests had damaged Soviet harvests in the early 80's
- Agreement with the USA to buy 8 millions tonnes of grain annually
- Détente had collapsed by 1981
- USA placed trade embargoes on exports to the USSR
- Escalation of the nuclear arms race up to 1984
- Following Brezhnev's death in 1982, the Soviet economy was struggling
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