Tennyson - lotus eaters
- Created by: Anya kelly
- Created on: 13-05-13 19:42
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- Tennyson
- the lotus eaters and choric song
- setting:
- misty/hazy = sense of concealment
- 'smoke...shadows'
- misty/hazy = sense of concealment
- form:
- rigid Spenserian stanzas in lotus eaters, much looser in choric song = lack of responsibilty
- voice
- 3rd person narrator - detached observer - not affected by the lotus
- context
- opium very popular at the time
- 'poppy-lidded sleep
- opium very popular at the time
- setting:
- Mariana
- setting
- 'blackest moss...rusted nails...broken sheds' - show decay = her mind is decaying
- time setting:
- 'at even...the night...the day' = cyclical nature of day/night in each stanza show time passing
- form
- equal 12 line stanzas with repeated refrain - reinforces the monotony of her life
- voice
- omniscient narrator/3rd person/detached + judgmental = society?
- repeated refrain = marianas voice = direct speech - shows her dispair
- the repeated refrain shows us all that matters to her - the description of setting etc. isn't her voice because she doesn't care about it.
- language
- pathetic fallacy emphasizes her loneliness
- 'old footsteps trod the upper floors...' she is losing her mind
- last stanza
- becomes desperate: refrain changes from 'she said...I would' to 'she wept...oh god'
- structure
- setting
- the lotus eaters and choric song
- language:
- the lotus eaters and choric song
- setting:
- misty/hazy = sense of concealment
- 'smoke...shadows'
- misty/hazy = sense of concealment
- form:
- rigid Spenserian stanzas in lotus eaters, much looser in choric song = lack of responsibilty
- voice
- 3rd person narrator - detached observer - not affected by the lotus
- context
- opium very popular at the time
- 'poppy-lidded sleep
- opium very popular at the time
- setting:
- 'seems...streams...dreams' all sound like 'seem' = is it all as it seems?
- sleepy language = effect of the lotus
- 'vale...pale...'
- 'courage!' first word = voice of Tenn./Ulysses - not susseptable to lotus/drugs like mariners
- repetition of 'let us alone...let us alone'
- because they have become petulant + childlike from lack of responsibility
- the lotus eaters and choric song
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