Terror 1793-4
- Created by: Libby Popham
- Created on: 01-06-13 21:39
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- why govern by terror
- extreme sans-culottes knock rev off course
- forced leaders to adopt policies that were contrary to lib. reforms of constituent.
- gov needed their support/ but never made gains
- org against internal and external threats
- one period of terror -1792-tuileries, sept massacres and champ de mars(1791)
- 2nd period- 1793- Girodin were arrested and executed
- both ended after external battles
- one period of terror -1792-tuileries, sept massacres and champ de mars(1791)
- both ended after external battles
- extreme sans-culottes knock rev off course
- forced leaders to adopt policies that were contrary to lib. reforms of constituent.
- gov needed their support/ but never made gains
- political crisis
- montagnards close to sans-culottes
- plain closer to Mont, due to s-c and Girondin were held responsible for failures of war, the rising in Vendee and economic crisis
- Barere, leader of Plain said;
- 1-state of emergency-abnormal methods
- 2-bourg. shouldn't isolate from ppl, whose demands should be met
- 3-vital Bourg. control alliance with ppl, convention must take the initiative-force if necessary
- deal with Threats; Royal/anti-rev/^left
- extreme sans-culottes knock rev off course
- institutes of terror
- Committee of General security
- committee of Public safety
- Revolutionary Tribunal
- law of Prairial
- reps-on-miss
- law of suspects
- causes
- sans-Cullotes
- NG opened to passive citizens=arming them1792
- levee-en-masse
- control of food prices (putting Jacobins in power)
- law of maximum
- peasants reluctant to grow grain
- law of maximum
- demand the arrest of the Girodins
- demand law of suspects
- Danton "let us embody the terror so the people don't have to"
- eg arrest of Jacques Roux, Hebert and supporters
- law of Fimaire/limiting paris commune meetings
- Robespierre sets up Dictatorship
- NG opened to passive citizens=arming them1792
- war
- paranoia and insecuriey
- September 1792
- 1793-march-Dumouriex defects to Aust.
- reason for Girodins fall
- jan-Aus had been pushed back and LxVI had been executed
- even when war closes it cont.
- eg. 1794 june -enemies pushed back-law of Prairial
- paranoia and insecuriey
- political diffs.
- Montagnards wipe out opposition
- Girodins
- secret royalists
- Enrages (Jaque Roux)
- Herbertists
- Girodins
- Thermidors eliminate Jacobin1795
- white terror royalists and girodin vs jacobin
- Federal revolts driven by Girondin supporters
- Montagnards wipe out opposition
- Provinces Vendee against republic1793
- rising was crushed 1793/ federal revolts crushed
- jan-may1794 vendee suffers brutal repression. executions of involved 1793
- they were refusing the rule of Jacobin Mont. in Paris-paranoia
- reaction to emergeny
- LXVI death -war with foreigners
- federal revolt and political tension
- political conflict-dific. decisions
- huge peasant revolt Vendee-become increasingly counter rev.
- LXVI death -war with foreigners
- sans-Cullotes
- why govern by terror
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