Text 9 'Why we all need to eat red meat'
- Created by: harvard123
- Created on: 03-04-15 21:43
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- Text 9 'Why we al need to eat red meat'
- Graphology
- Appears to conventions of form
- Use of picture gives a positive image of meat
- Famous face so people trust his judgement
- Grammar
- Varied sentence lengths to add emphasis
- Informality
- Phonology
- Assonance in title so easy to remember
- Alliteration 'bad boy of british culture' makes it sound as though everyone had a negative perception of beef
- Lexis
- Complex lexis due to it being very informative
- Simple lexis which makes it easier to understand the text
- Informal lexis used to show he can interact with the audience
- Context of Production and Reception and attitudes and values
- John Torode is a well known chef was his own restaurant and has appeared in may television shows
- Believe beef is the bad boy of Britsih food
- Audience may change their opinions about beef
- Purpose, Audience, Form
- Discuss the benefits of eating meat
- Readers of the mail online
- Fans of John Torode
- Newspaper article
- Graphology
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