- Created by: ward_ella
- Created on: 07-05-15 17:36
View mindmap
- Textiles
- Design
- Your culture and personal interests
- Way of life
- Particular society or group of people
- Patterns of thoughts
- Beliefs
- Behaviour
- Customs
- Traditions
- Rituals
- Dress
- Language
- Art
- Music
- Literature
- Design specification
- Where?
- Measurements
- How many (flags)
- Spacing
- Any design additions for appearance
- The Design Process
- Cutting out flags
- Using bondaweb to stick things on
- Stencilling
- Sublimation printing
- Fabric pens
- Block printing
- Pinning
- Cutting out template
- Unpicking stitches
- Turning flags through
- Pressing flags with iron
- Using embroidery stitiches
- Tacking
- Overlocking
- Sewing flags on to cord
- Making cord
- Your culture and personal interests
- Processes
- Types of stitches used for making textile products
- Running stitch
- Back stitch
- Overlock
- Printing Techniques
- Block printing
- Stencilling
- Hand paints pens and crayons
- Health and Safety for completing processes
- Tie hair back
- Don't run
- Remove loose jewellery
- Wear suitable shoes
- Wear an apron
- Types of stitches used for making textile products
- Materials
- Natural, man-made, synthetic and regenerated fibres
- Natural
- Silk - silkworm
- Cotton - cotton plant
- Linen - flax plant
- Wool - sheep
- Synthetic
- Viscose
- Acrylic
- Nylon
- Polyester
- Natural
- Natural, man-made, synthetic and regenerated fibres
- Tools and Equipment
- Hand and machine tools for making textiles produts
- All on health and safety for using tools and equipment
- Shears
- Invisible ink
- Tape measure
- Thimble
- Parts of the sewing machine
- Pressure foot
- Bobbin winder
- Stitch width/length changer button
- On/off switch
- Balance wheel
- Reverse stitch button
- 1/2 speed button
- Needle
- Needle in/out button
- Thread holder
- Bobbin compartment
- Health and safety for using tools and equipment
- Fabric Shears
- Embroidery scissors
- Sewing machine
- Pins
- Quick unpick/stitch unpicker
- Iron
- Needles
- Pinking Shears
- Hand and machine tools for making textiles produts
- Design
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