The Phoenix
- Created by: Bianica
- Created on: 26-05-15 12:03
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- Meaning of the story
- Unlimited power corrupts the possessor
- Shouldn't underestimate the Under dogs
- Be careful what you wish for
- Kindness breeds kindness... hate breeds hate
- What goes around comes back around
- Materialism
- Go for designer brands
- Love of money
- Commercialism
- Humans superficial
- Human Arrogance
- Title
- In Greek mythology a phoenix is a long-living bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn.
- Meaning of the story
- Emotions changing continously
- Public excited by unusual things e.g. "caused a great...constantly visited"
- Public bored easily e.g. "The visits fell off"
- Public fickle
- The general public
- Meaning of the story
- Unlimited power corrupts the possessor
- Shouldn't underestimate the Under dogs
- Be careful what you wish for
- Kindness breeds kindness... hate breeds hate
- What goes around comes back around
- Materialism
- Go for designer brands
- Love of money
- Commercialism
- Humans superficial
- Human Arrogance
- Title
- In Greek mythology a phoenix is a long-living bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn.
- Meaning of the story
- The general public
- Humans affectionate
- Leads to action e.g. the people felt pity for the phoenix so contributed to its fund
- The general public
- Power balance between nature and humans
- Nature outlives us all and will seek revenge.
- Nature outlives us all and will seek revenge.
- The phoenix was unique
- They didn't look after it
- How humans treat enviroment
- They didn't look after it
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