The Amazon Rainforest - Water & Carbon Cycle Case Study
- Created by: IssyCalderwood
- Created on: 02-03-19 11:03
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- The Amazon Rainforest - Water and Carbon Case Study
- Facts
- Largest tropical rainforest
- 40% South American landmass
- Hot, wet, dense vegetation
- Indigenous people
- 1 Mil plant species, 500 mammal species, 2000 fish species
- Home to endangered species: Manatee (mammal), Black caiman. (reptile) , Pirarucu (fish)
- Water Cycle
- Wet air blown over Atlantic towards Amazon = wet rainforest = high rainfall
- Warm temp = high evaporation = increases precipitation
- Dense canopy = high interception = less flow into rivers = also more slowly
- Species adapted to high humidity, frequent rainfall
- Carbon Cycle
- Carbon stores = vegetation, soil = carbon sink
- Increased productivity because vegetation has access to more CO2 = increasing biomass
- Increased sequestered carbon
- Trees grow quick but die young
- May not be able to rely on rainforest as a carbon sink in future
- Human Activities
- Deforestation: lots exploitation of timber or use land for farming
- Effects on water cycle
- No canopy to intercept rainfall = too much water in soil = surface runoff = increased risk of flooding
- Reduces evapotranspiration rate = fewer clouds = reduced rainfall = increased risk of drought
- Effects on carbon cycle
- No roots to hold soil together = rain washes away nutrient rich soil = carbon from soil transferred to hydrosphere
- Less leaf litter = no humus = soil can't support new growth = limited amount of carbon absorbed
- Less trees = more atmospheric CO2 = enhances greenhouse effect = global warming
- Effects on water cycle
- Climate change
- Increasing temp & decreasing rainfall = drought
- Amazon = severe droughts in 2005, 2010
- (Plants & animals adapted to moist condition) long drought = extinction of species
- Drought also = forest fires = lots of CO2 released
- 4 degree temp rise = 85% Amazon rainforest dead = lots carbon released as dead material decomposes = less CO2 taken in by photosynthesis
- Increasing temp & decreasing rainfall = drought
- Deforestation: lots exploitation of timber or use land for farming
- Attempts to limit human impacts on Amazon
- Selective logging
- Only some trees felled
- Felling fewer trees = forest regenerates
- Replanting
- Few trees replace those cut down
- E.g. Peru = 3.2 Mil hectares of forest by 2020
- Same type of tree replanted = local carbon & water cycles restored to initial state
- Few trees replace those cut down
- Environmental Law
- Protects rainforests
- Laws ban unsustainable wood use
- Laws ban excessive logging
- Laws control land use
- E.g. Brazilian Forest Code = landowners have to keep 50-80% land as forest
- Protects rainforests
- Protection
- National parks, nature reserves protect rainforests
- E.g. Central Amazon Conservation Complex, Brazil, 2003, protects biodiversity, 49,000km2, local people use forest in sustainable way
- Damaging activities can be monitored & prevented
- National parks, nature reserves protect rainforests
- Selective logging
- Facts