The Beatles- Here, there and everywhere

  • Created by: han_rosek
  • Created on: 20-04-24 12:23
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  • The Beatles- Here, there and everywhere
    • Instrumentation
      • Vocals close harmony American Barbershop style
      • Lead guitar- rare- plays fills through Leslie cabinet- twangy sound
      • Drums often inaudible- rare and subtle
      • Stripped down pop set up led by rhythm guitar- emphasise backbeat
      • Spread chords in guitar intro
      • Vocal line- High tessitura- Gs above stave- McCartney
      • Guitar volume pedal used
    • Texture
      • No backing vocals in section B
      • Melody dominated homophony
    • Structure
      • Altered 32-bar AABA (reduced to 28-bars due to shortened B section)
      • Unusual 3-bar intro with free rhythm and chromatic slip from B minor to Bb major chords
      • Sections
        • 2. A section repeated
          • 3. B section (from b.13)- 4 bars divided into a 3-bar and a 1-bar phrase (unusual phrase length and short section B)
            • 4. A section- as before with added vocal harmonies
              • 5. B section repeated
    • Tonality
      • Intro- Chromatic slip from B minor to Bb major
      • A section- G major, occasionally moves to E minor (relative minor)
      • B section- Bb major- Secondary dominant (dominant of relative minor)
    • Harmony
      • 4 chord progression technique in section B
      • G major section A has rising parallel root position chords moving up the scale
        • G, Am, Bm, C, G, Am, Bm, C, F#m, B7, F#m, B7,        Em, Am Am7,D7
          • Section repeats with extra chord of F7 at the end of the repeat
      • The transition between section A and section B uses a secondary dominant relation
      • Section B, Starts in Bb major and modulates to G major
        • I, vi, ,ii,III7  (Bb, Gm, Cm, D7)- D7 acts as a pivot chord between Bb minor and G major- It i chord V7 in G major so creates a perfect cadence into the section A
      • Intro ends with chord V7 (D7) which creates a perfect cadence into section A
      • There is a secondary dominant in the extension of section A
        • G, Am, Bm, C, G, Am, Bm, C, F#m, B7, F#m, B7,        Em, Am Am7,D7
          • Section repeats with extra chord of F7 at the end of the repeat
    • Melody
      • Pauls melody covers large range with use of his falsetto range
      • Guitar chromatic counter melody through Leslie speaker, then harmonises with the voice in parallel major 6ths
      • Intro- disjunct, each phrase begins with 2nd inversion triadic patterns (g major then Bb major)
      • Section A opening- G major Arpeggio up to d then up to A ( range of 9th)
      • Section B- mostly conjunct- arpeggio patterns “everywhere”(b13), “Never care” (G minor- b.15), “Everywhere”(G major- b.17 (A overlap)
      • Section A and overlap- major 7th range
      • End of Section A- Perfect 5th E to A
      • Backing vocals- parallel close harmony- fall and rise in stepwise motion
    • Rhythm, Tempo, Metre
      • Melodic rhythms have gentle syncopationswhich reflect the natural rhythms of the words
      • Verses largely quaver dominated- each verse starts with minim
      • Bridge contains quicker rhythms- semiquavers
      • Tied quavers common in verses, tied quaver to semiquaver common in bridge
      • Intro- Free time feel due to time signature change from 4/4 to 7/8 before settling back in free time


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