The Beatles- Tomorrow never knows
- Created by: han_rosek
- Created on: 20-04-24 12:29
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- The Beatles- Tomorrow never knows
- Instrumentation
- Indian Influences
- Tambura drone
- Sitar- Pre-recorded fill
- Drum track continues unchanged throughout- Altered using studio techniques
- Studio Techniques
- Drums: Reverse Cymbals, compression
- Electric guitar solo distorted: reversed
- 16 tape loops: repeated, sped up, slowed down, reversing, layering, cut up and reformed
- Some loops include: Seagull sound (Paul laughing sped up), Chord of Bb (orchestral sound), Various flute and string sounds (played on Mellatron), Sitar playing scale (sped up)
- Vocals: artificial double tracking, Leslie cabinet to sound like chanting monks
- Indian Influences
- Texture
- Melody over loops and bass riffs
- Structure
- Strophic (each verse set to same music)
- Instrumental introduction
- Instrumental between 3rd and 4th verses
- There is a coda/Outro
- 2 equal phrases
- Tonality
- Mixolydian mode on C
- Harmony
- Use of continuous chord not chord sequence
- Unconventional at the time
- Implied C chord throughout most of the music, though only clearly heard chord is of the flattened 7th (Bb) played on the organ
- Use of continuous chord not chord sequence
- Melody
- First phrase is entirely triadic around chord of C major
- Second phrase has 2 short identical phrases using the 5th, the flattened 7th and the tonic (hints at mixolydian mode
- The guitar solo (pre-recorded and reversed) uses a blues scale on C with characteristicflattened 3rds
- Variation on pentatonic scale
- Rhythm, Tempo, Metre,
- Continuous rock rhythms on the drums in common time (4/4)
- The vocal line produces many cross rhythms
- 3 against 2 crotchet rhythm- triplet against crotchets in the the vocal line
- Syncopation in loops in instrumental
- Off beat entry at the start of the coda and instrumental
- Lombardic Rhythm/ scotch snap in instrumental (noticeably in the guitar solo
- Instrumentation
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