The benefits of effective teamworking for service users with Learning Disabilities
- Created by: miacampbell31
- Created on: 31-03-22 13:42
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- Examples of teams/roles in enviroments with people with learning disabilities
- Physchologist
- Physiotherapist
- Speech and Language therapists
- Social Workers
- Community Nursing
- Dysphagia Service
- Dietition
- General Practitioners (GP)
- Teaching Assistants
- Benefits
- Staff won't have to work as many shifts if there's a larger team.
- Will lessen the burden on other staff members
- More efficent use of resources
- Staff more likely to provide better care
- Gives a patient access to an entire team of experts
- Creates new avenues for service implementation
- Reduces amount of medical errors
- High Morale, good relationships with other staff members.
- Improves service co-ordination
- Allows patients to create goals for themselves
- Expedites the referral process
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