institutional developments: the church
- Created by: evecrowley17
- Created on: 06-10-18 15:40
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- the church
- henry vii
- crowned and given divine authority by Archbishop of Canterbury
- looked to bishops for advice and appointed archbishop as Lord Chancellor
- devoted to Church
- henry viii
- used clerics until 1529
- high profile of church in central administration at this time
- broke from Rome but relations still strong
- church owed office and loyalty solely to crown
- used clerics until 1529
- edward vi, mary i, elizabeth i
- political office roles held by non-clergy
- elizabeth i middle way policy
- Pilgrimage of Grace, Kett's and Wyatt's rebellions
- role as law enforces over until 1630s
- church and the doctrine of obedience
- archbishop wrote homilies (lessons for sermons) after edward vi's rule questioned
- couldn't stop revolts but important role in reiterating need to obey law
- 1517 reformation
- strong church-crown alliance
- support shown by doctrine of obedience instructed to preach
- archbishop wrote homilies (lessons for sermons) after edward vi's rule questioned
- role of the local clergy
- vital role in parish level politics
- informed bishops of trouble and instructed ppl on moral and legal obligations
- no longer had majority in House of Lords after 1540
- consistently supported the crown and helped maintain stability
- henry vii
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