The Cognitive Approach
- Created by: Ellieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- Created on: 06-06-19 20:55
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- Main Assumptions
- The Cognitive Approach
- Emergence of Cognitive Neuroscience
- They map out brain areas to specific functions and this is done using MRI and PET scans to investigate the neurological basis of mental processes
- This could be used in the future in court cases, to use objective, controlled science to help prove if someone is guilty or lying
- Evaluation
- Uses mainly lab experiments which have controlled environments meaning they are able to be replicated - increases the reliability
- Has real life application - can be used within court cases to decide whether or not someone is lying or telling the truth
- The approach takes a reductionist approach - does not take into account emotions and motivation which influence the processing of information
- Relies highly on lab studies which use artificial environments decreasing the external validity of the approach, specifically ecological validity
- Emergence of Cognitive Neuroscience
- Internal mental processes can be studied scientifically and objectively
- They are studied indirectly by inference which is drawing conclusions based on observation of behaviour
- Schemas are used to help us interpret incoming information from the environment - these are mental frameworks of expectations built on previous experiences
- This approach relies on using models comparing the brain to a computer - in similarities of processing, coding and stores of information
- The Cognitive Approach
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