The Czech Crisis and the Brezhnev Doctrine
- Created by: Lizz2002
- Created on: 24-02-21 11:05
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- The Czech Crisis and the Brezhnev Doctrine
- Czech Crisis, 1968
- Jan 1968: Czech.. gets a new leader who makes democratic reforms but stays allied to the USSR and in the Warsaw Pact
- Prague Spring: large peaceful protests
- caused similar instances in other countries like Romania
- USSR's dilemma
- there was no intervention by the West in 1956
- however, an invasion could ruin the USSR's peaceful image and strengthen NATO
- there was no intervention by the West in 1956
- Invasion of Czech...
- 20-21st Aug 1968
- Czech leader had promised to control criticism of the USSR
- However, a visit by the Romanian leader made the USSR fear a breakdown of the Eastern Bloc
- Invaded by USSR, Poland, Hungary, and Bulgaria
- Czech leaders arrested and taken back to Moscow
- Brezhnev Doctrine
- 25th Sept. 1968
- Declares that the USSR's allies had the duty to invade countries that were moving away from communism
- Helped extend the Cold War as there were no hopes of fragmentation in the Eastern Bloc
- Czech Crisis, 1968
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