The Death of Lenin/Power struggle
- Created by: ArronK99
- Created on: 12-05-16 09:02
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- The Death of Lenin/Power Struggle
- Lenin died of a stroke in January 1924 with no named successor
- Lenin wrote a testament in 1922, in which he evaluated each leading Bolshevik to decide who would be a suitable leader, and he decided that it would not be Stalin
- However, it was never published before his death, so the Bolsheviks and the Russian people would never actually know who the next leader should have been
- Lenin wrote a testament in 1922, in which he evaluated each leading Bolshevik to decide who would be a suitable leader, and he decided that it would not be Stalin
- Party split after Lenin's death
- Left
- Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev
- Right
- Bukharin, Rykov and Tomsky
- Centre
- Stalin
- Left
- Permanent revolution or socialism in one country?
- Centre and right wanted to invest in industry, creating a Russian utopia in the hopes of inspiring communism in other countries
- Left wanted to use money and resources to start worldwide revolution
- New Economic Policy (NEP)
- Stalin supported the NEP (for the time being) and criticised Trotsky for wanting to abandon it
- Left wanted to abandon it and force the peasants to produce food
- Right supported the NEP and wanted to give the peasants and incentive to produce food
- How should the USSR be run?
- Trotsky wanted a more democratic party
- Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev wanted a centralised party
- Formed a triumvirate against Trotsky
- Lenin died of a stroke in January 1924 with no named successor
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