The Democrats and ideology
- Created by: Banana1945
- Created on: 07-03-19 10:10
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- Identification
- Not all Democrats can be correctly identified as liberals - especially those who live in the south of midwest
- The Democrats and ideology
- Presidential Candidates
- Last Four Elections:
- - John Kerry- Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton
- Clinton + Sanders
- Many commentators saw the contest between Clinton and Sanders in the Democratic primaries in terms of ideology
- clinton appealing more to the centrist or moderate wingSanders on the left
- Exit polls showed liberal Democrats preferring Clinton over Sanders by 53% to 46% while non-liberals preferred Clinton by 61% to 36
- Many commentators saw the contest between Clinton and Sanders in the Democratic primaries in terms of ideology
- Last Four Elections:
- Presidential Candidates
- Many like to be identified as moderate Democrats or even conservative Democrats
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