Depression and Rise of the Nazis
- Created by: Jo-Robertson
- Created on: 22-12-17 16:06
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- The Depression and the Rise of the Nazis
- Stock Market crash
- 1929
- American
- Economic depression for America
- Loss of American money in the crash
- Americans had to repay money and asked for Germans to repay money borrowed
- Lead to economic collapse in Germany
- Businesses went bankrupt
- Unemployment rocketed
- Businesses went bankrupt
- Lead to economic collapse in Germany
- Depression
- World wide
- chancellor Bruning cut wages, unemployment pay and government expenditure
- Worst thing to do
- Reichstag would not agree to this
- Bruning invoked article 48
- President dismissed Bruning in 1932
- 2 other Chancellors in place but only lasted months
- Article 48 used to pass nearly all laws
- Problems compoundedGermany
- Become dependent on American loans
- Due to reparation to Allies
- Nazis Rise
- As unemployment rose so did their popularity
- 1930 pre depression = 107 seats 3 million unemployed
- July 1932 = 225+ seats 6 million unemployed
- Now the largest single party but not majority
- 1928 = 12 seats
- Gained in popularity due to decisions of Bruning
- Workers turned to communism
- Wealthy were concerned by this so funded Nazi party
- Workers turned to communism
- 25 Points
- Attractive to the most vulnerable
- Seen as having order and people liked that
- Especially as communists were fighting with police
- Hitler powerful speaker = asset
- As unemployment rose so did their popularity
- People
- Middle class felt needed a strong government
- This was an ideology of the Nazis
- Nationalists and racists blamed TOV & Reparations
- Middle class felt needed a strong government
- 1933
- President Hindenburg & Chancellor Palpin wanted Nazis on side
- Offered Hitler to be Vice Chancellor
- He refused as wanted to be Chancellor
- They agreed and Hitler became Chancellor in Jan 1933
- Agreed as they thought they could control him
- Hitler set about becoming absolute ruler using article 48
- They agreed and Hitler became Chancellor in Jan 1933
- He refused as wanted to be Chancellor
- Offered Hitler to be Vice Chancellor
- President Hindenburg & Chancellor Palpin wanted Nazis on side
- Support
- Rose in Neidenburg 2.3% = 1928 25% = 1931
- Negative Cohesion
- Not all believed Hitler
- Some sceptics still supported him
- Supported not because they shared the views (positive cohesion if they agreed with this)
- Supported because they agreed with Nazi fears
- If you hate what i hate I will support you
- Disillusionment
- Dissatisfaction with democracy & Weimar
- Average income fallen by 40%
- Politicians didn't seem to be able to solve problems of depression
- Bruning urged Germans to make sacrifices
- Scared of hyperinflation
- Wanted world to cancel reparations
- Relied on Hindenburgs emergency powers and by passed democratic process
- Bruning urged Germans to make sacrifices
- Bruning called elections in 1930 - DISASTER
- Nazis could exploit discontent
- Dissatisfaction with democracy & Weimar
- Communist Threat
- Support was rising too
- Nazis promoted a fear of communism
- Business leaders feared communism due to strength in Trade Unions
- Farmers feared communism
- USSR communism peasants killed and land taken
- Promised support for farmers
- Decadance
- Nazis counted on those who felt trad German values under threat
- Nazis talked about restoring values
- SDP underestimated peoples views of these promises
- Stock Market crash
- Problems compoundedGermany
- Become dependent on American loans
- Due to reparation to Allies
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