the divine command theory
- Created by: Emilysh02
- Created on: 06-06-19 09:14
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- divine command theory:
- Plato wrote a dialogue entitled euthyphro's dilemma.
- 1. a man named euthyphro took his father to court for the murder of one of his servants.
- 2. socrates is there awaiting his own trial. so he engages in conversation with euthyphro about moral goodness
- 3. socrates asks: 'does god command things because they are good in themselves or are things good because god commands and approves of them?'
- Robert Adams' modified command theory
- 1. Adams argued that because morality is grounded in the character of god, who is perfectly good, then god's commands are rooted in god's character.
- 2. because one of god's characteristics is omnibenevolence, then whatever god commands reflects this.
- omnibenevolence: god's all loving nature.
- 3. this is not the same as saying good and god is the same thing. goodness is an essential characteristic of god.
- Plato wrote a dialogue entitled euthyphro's dilemma.
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