The Downfall of Margaret Thatcher
- Created by: yazmintaylorx
- Created on: 12-01-18 09:01
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- The Downfall of Margaret Thatcher
- By-Election Defeats
- 18th Oct 1990
- lost Eastbourne seat to Lib Dems with a win of 20%
- Thatcher called Lib Dems 'a dead parrot' 6 days before
- lost Eastbourne seat to Lib Dems with a win of 20%
- 22nd March 1990
- Cons lost Mid-Staffordshire by-election where they had previously enjoyed a 19,000 majority
- 8th Nov 1990
- by-election defeats in Bradford North and Bootle
- 18th Oct 1990
- Poll Tax
- aimed to make local councils more accountable
- March 1990 anti-poll tax demonstration in Trafalgar Sq. 20,000+ people attended
- turned into a riot and nearly 500 were injured and 300+ were arrested. lack of control by police
- Thatcherites believed if everyone contributed it would be fairer and would force more effective & responsible spending
- March 1990 anti-poll tax demonstration in Trafalgar Sq. 20,000+ people attended
- ministers found it hard to justify why a poor pensioner should pay the same as a millionaire
- first introduced in Scotland 1989 & was extremely unpopular
- Cons. opinion in Scotland damaged
- despire this, it was introduced in England & Wales 1990
- anti-poll tax unions set up across the country
- aimed to make local councils more accountable
- Resignation of Colleagues
- Nigel Lawson Oct 1989; chancellor wanted to join ERM - T wouldn't
- Michael Heseltine Jan 1986; trade m,inister
- Geoffrey Howe 1st Nov 1990
- made a stinging attack in parl. & seemed to be calling someone to challenge her for the leadership
- Europe
- got a rebate of £580m
- good relationship with France - channel tunnel
- divisions between wets & dries
- Single European Act 1986
- signed by Thjatcher - remove barriers for trade & movement of people
- she had contrasting visions to others in Europe & her cabinet
- lead to resignations
- Thatcher Herself
- named the 'iron Lady'
- stubborn and wouldn't budge on poll tax
- polarised her cabinet eg wets & dries
- polarised British public opinion
- Extra-Parliamentary Opposition
- PGs
- CND 1958 sparked new lease of life
- Greenham Women
- April 1983 70,000 protesters formed 14 mile long human chain over cruise missiles
- Sept 1981 women set up camp where missiles based - focal point for feminism
- environmentalism due to industrial accidents eg India gas leak 1984 - Greenpeace grew
- CFCs
- Church
- Report in 1985 'Faith in the City' called on govt to do more to help deprived communities
- Bishops eg Darld Jenkins in Durham were outspoken in criticism of Thatcherite policies & their impact on society
- Education & Arts
- 'Red Wage' - Billy Bragg, Paul Weller, Madness who campaigned against Thatcher in the 1980s
- Cherchill, Hare & Ayckbourn wrote plays that satirised Thatcherism because she cut arts spending
- Oxford uni voted against giving her an honorary degree because of spending cuts in HE
- PGs
- By-Election Defeats
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