The Elizabethan Religious Settlement - 1559
- Created by: matilda_mccarthy1
- Created on: 11-01-23 17:05
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- The Elizabethan Religious Settlement - 1559
- The Act of Supremacy
- All clergymen were forced to take an oath of supremacy.- pope was not the head of the church.
- This restored in law the royal supremacy over the Church as established under Henry VIII.
- Henry VIII's reformation legislation was restored and Mary's heresy laws repealed.
- Elizabeth became Supreme Governor of the Church of England - agreed that only God could be the 'Head'
- Commissioners were again allowed to visit and 'reform' religious institutions.
- This restored in law the royal supremacy over the Church as established under Henry VIII.
- All clergymen were forced to take an oath of supremacy.- pope was not the head of the church.
- The Royal Injunctions
- All parish churches were required to purchase an English Bible.
- Catholic practices were attacked and there was clearly Protestant agenda.
- Catholic practices such as pilgrimages and the use of candles was ended.
- Churches and their services were not to be superstitious in any way and the altar was to be simple.
- This was a way for the Queen to control church services and how the Church was governed.
- The Act of Supremacy
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