The English Civil War
- Created by: 12BE
- Created on: 09-02-16 16:45
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- The English Civil War
- Battles
- Parliamentary Victories
- Newbury, Berkshire
- 20th September 1943
- Marston Moor, Yorkshire
- 2nd July 1644
- Naseby, Northamptonshire
- 14th June 1645
- Langport, Somerset
- 10th July 1645
- Newbury, Berkshire
- Royalist Victories
- Cropredy Bridge, Oxfordshire
- 29th June 1644
- Cropredy Bridge, Oxfordshire
- Parliamentary Victories
- Propaganda and recruitment
- Propaganda
- Parliment
- Massive advantage in print war because of control of London
- Most printers in London
- Print false pamphlets and posters about Charles
- Royals
- News book sold on weekly basis by Sir Edward Nicholas
- Book printed in Oxford not London
- Copies sold in bookshops in provincial towns
- Created serial news book
- Parliment
- Recruitment
- Parliment
- Only trained military source was Trained Bands
- Fight for your voice
- Royals
- Trained Bands disarmed at Charles 1 loss
- Fight for your king
- Both
- Took anyone
- Desperate for soldiers
- No wages
- Fight to death
- Families torn apart
- Training unneeded
- Parliment
- Propaganda
- Fighting
- Methods
- Places
- Tactics
- Weapons
- Large
- Cannon
- Motar
- Small
- Musket
- Flintlock
- Matchlock
- Pike
- Musket
- Large
- Methods
- Battles
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