The Experience of Freedom
- Created by: Redheadxx
- Created on: 05-10-19 19:02
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- The Experience of Freedom
- Initially the feeling of being free was exhilarating
- Many African Americans went in search of family members
- By 1870 80% of African -American families were strong, stable, family units.
- The Homestead Act (1862) - provided free land to settlers if they farmed it for 5 years. By 1865, 20,000 homesteaders settled on the land.
- Sharecropping - was when landowners divided up their land into small tenancies of between 30 & 50 acres
- Southern Homestead Act (1866) - set aside 44 million acres of land in five southern states to be allocated to former slaves
- The growth of African American Solidarity
- Black people took the opportunity to set up schools for adults and their children
- Black Universities like; Fisk University, Howard University,and Hampton University
- Education
- By 1870 $1 million had been spent on black American Education
- Between 1865 and 1877 approximately 70 black teachers entered politics
- By 1877 80% of black American were still illiterate
- Religion played a vital part as it comforted the slaves during their imprisonment and hence the rise of independent Black churches
- They taught people how to act and punished them if they didn't follow the rules
- Minister became spokesman for community
- Black people took the opportunity to set up schools for adults and their children
- Politics
- Black ministers became politically active
- Over 100 black ministers served on state legislatures between 1865 and 1877
- In South Carolina African Americans formed 60% of the vote
- Two secured seats in the American Senate at this point
- The compromise of 1877 meant that freed slaves were now virtually at the mercy of the southern state legislators
- By 1877 when the period of reconstruction ended, things had virtually gone back to the beginning of segregation and no civil rights.
- The compromise of 1877 meant that freed slaves were now virtually at the mercy of the southern state legislators
- Two secured seats in the American Senate at this point
- Freedmen were surprisingly knowledgeab-le about the legislation passed by the federal gov.t in the post-emancipation period
- Signs of fragmentation were beginning to show between the North and the south, eg: black Americans, from the North didn't want their children to go to school with black children from the south
- Initially the feeling of being free was exhilarating
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