The Explorer's Daughter
- Created by: crazybanana24
- Created on: 01-06-18 15:45
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- The Explorer's Daughter
- Form
- memoir, autobiographical
- Purpose
- to educate people on life in the Arctic and show them something new
- 'slowly, methodically passing each other by'
- tranquil and beautiful, emphasised by adverbs, which create a lulling sound
- 'scrambling back up to the lookout'
- present continuous tense adds excitement; juxtaposes slower movement of the narwhals
- 'the evening light was turning butter-gold'
- warm 'gold' juxtaposes the cold arctic
- 'distances are always deceptive in the Arctic'
- here, things are not as they seem: something as rigid as measurements are broken down: the rules are not the same here as the rest of the world
- echoes how we in the West are against hunting whales but in the Arctic it is accepted as a means of survival
- here, things are not as they seem: something as rigid as measurements are broken down: the rules are not the same here as the rest of the world
- Second paragraph, change of focus to become more factual
- reflects how the memoir is doing two things: informing the reader and expressing the author's feelings
- Jargon = factual, technical terms
- list of all the whale is used for highlights how important they are in the life of inuights
- 'small gasp or jump'
- shows how intensely focused on the men everyone is. Adds excitement and climax to the text
- 'vast waterborne game'
- element of fun but dangerous also
- 'so close, and so brave'
- repetition of so underlines how heroism and how the odds are stacked against them
- 'This dilemma stayed with me'
- Herbert gives no answer, allowing reader to establish their own view. Has provided facts so they can make decisions
- Form
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