- Created by: 10cmurphy
- Created on: 04-04-17 10:50
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- The extent of change in Russia, 1881-1906
- Alexander III and his policies
- Alexander II (1855-1881) introduced reform
- Alexander III halted all reforms
- Blamed assassination on reforms that encouraged radicalism.
- Alexander III-Cheif Procurator of Holy Synod
- Measures to secure his power:
- Reforming ministers forced to resign
- Manifesto emphasised absolute power of the Tsar
- Heavy censorship
- Okhrana became powerful and feared
- Failed assassination of Alexander III, 1887
- Repression increased after assassination attempt
- Land Captains introduced to help rule Russia
- Went on to become Zemstva
- Only landed classes could vote for people in the Zemstva
- Central gov control extended over school
- Impossible for peasants and workers to get past primary school
- Extending power over empire
- Russification strengthened
- 1885-Russian became the official language
- All languages that weren't Russian were banned
- Jews were heavily persecuted
- Programs were common
- Russification strengthened
- Modernise the economy
- Nikolai Bunge-Financial Minister 1881
- Reduced the amount of tax paid by peasants
- Peasant Land Bank-financial help to expand farms
- Ivan Vyshnegradsky-Financial Minister 1887
- Incentives for peasants to move away
- Nikolai Bunge-Financial Minister 1881
- Alexander III and his policies
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