The Flea
- Created by: Ayo
- Created on: 13-05-17 11:09
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- The Flea
- John Donne
- Metaphysical poetry
- highly intellectual and complex
- abstract themes
- thought and analysing feeling
- philosophical
- lighter approach to God and life
- alleviate heavy subject
- love
- romance
- strange things
- religion
- witty
- paradoxes and puns in common speech
- conceit
- coined by Samuel Johnson in 17th century
- poets
- Andrew Marvell
- George Herbert
- Richard Crashaw
- Henry Vaughan
- John Cleveland
- founder of metaphysical poetry
- 1572-1631
- cleric in the Church of England
- Catholics were persecuted under Elizabeth I
- struggled with his beliefs
- embeds religious imagery in his poems
- born to a Roman Catholic family
- studied at both Oxford and Cambridge
- works
- Satires
- Songs and Sonnets
- love lyrics
- ****** verse
- sacred poems
- secretly married his boss's sixteen year old niece
- Sir Thomas Egerton
- disapproved of the marriage and didn't provide a dowry
- suffered social and financial instability as a result
- "though parents grudge"
- disapproved of the marriage and didn't provide a dowry
- was his private secretary
- Sir Thomas Egerton
- Metaphysical poetry
- structure
- iambic pentameter
- whimsical
- playful
- rhyming couplets and a rhyming triplet at end of each stanza
- triplet of completion
- 3 stanzas
- possible refernce to Holy Trinity
- 3 parties in the "marriage"
- the speaker
- his lover
- the flea
- "three lives in one"
- iambic pentameter
- religious imagery
- "a sin, not shame, nor loss of maiden head"
- our marriage bed, and marriage temple is"
- refrence to the Holy Spirit
- ironic
- unmarried and sking for a loss of virtue
- "cloistered"
- internal walls in a church
- slelf-murder
- "sacrilege"
- hyberbolic
- destructions of scared union
- mockery of marriage and the church
- "purled thy nail in blood of innocence"
- rich colour
- the death of Jesus
- lover kills the flea
- other poems
- To His Coy Mistress
- metaphysical
- The Scrutiny
- other poems
- To His Coy Mistress
- metaphysical
- The Scrutiny
- Absent from thee
- Garden of Love
- religious imagery
- abstract ideas
- Non sum Qualis
- male appetite
- forbidden love
- To His Coy Mistress
- other poems
- Absent from thee
- Garden of Love
- religious imagery
- abstract ideas
- Non sum Qualis
- male appetite
- forbidden love
- To His Coy Mistress
- John Donne
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