Factors effecting formulation of social policies
- Created by: ecotts
- Created on: 31-03-18 16:04
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- Factors effecting formulation of social policies
- Influences of social policies
- Public Opinions
- Social unrest/uprising
- Shifts in values
- Particular events and situations
- Power groups
- They stop new laws being implemented;for example big alcohol companies show they product as a positive
- Popularity
- the desire for governments to remain popular and get re-elected
- Financial constraints
- economic problems and resource can effect whether the government can afford to implement policy
- Status of groups
- The status of groups will benefit them when trying to get new policies heard
- Those who are disabled don't have much power so are less likely to be listen to
- The status of groups will benefit them when trying to get new policies heard
- Religious Views
- Religious organisations and other groups set frameworks for policies
- E.g. beliefs on abortions
- Religious organisations and other groups set frameworks for policies
- Agenda setting
- Agenda setting with the media brings attention to particular issues and views e.g anti-social behaviour
- Public opinions
- People perceptions on what's reasonable and a good thing shape policies
- General values and what people think of current policies have effect
- Sociology
- Sociological and other research
- Professional opinions
- Opinions of professionals working in the fields where policies will be made will have effect
- Headteachers and teachers will have a say on educational policies
- Opinions of professionals working in the fields where policies will be made will have effect
- Willingness
- Powerful policy-makers and groups who take in account the needs of those less powerful or excluded
- Polictial parties
- Policies and visions of different parties will have effect on the policies made
- Different views on prostitiution, drug use and pensions etc
- Policies and visions of different parties will have effect on the policies made
- Influences of social policies
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