The GDR - UNIT 4
- Created by: revisionnerd
- Created on: 04-06-16 21:19
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- The economy
- Positives
- Use of tractors and combine Harvesters compared to horse drawn ploughs in Poland
- Largely self sufficent
- Technological developments
- Highest standards of living in the GDR
- Trade increased in COMECON
- Negatives
- Relied on loans from the FRG - 38.5 million DM in debt by 1987
- Imports rose by 34% whilst exports rose by 17% (1972-1975)
- Spending on welfare amounted to twice the national income (1971 and 1979)
- Political Stagnation
- Wanted to give the GDR its own National identity
- 'No Taboos'
- Positives
- A Niche Society?
- The Stasi
- 'Shield and sword of the party'
- 180,000 full time staff - 20% of the population were collabarators.
- Tapped telephones and all subversive activity was reported
- Wolf Biermann- Exiled - 1976
- Shortages, inequalities and other
- 12 year waiting list for a Trabant
- The elite accessed goods and Holidays which were exclusive to them.
- The planned economy lead to the distribution of goods to be uneven and inefficent
- Intershops were created in the GDR who sold western goods by 1980 there were over 400
- Women
- By the late 1980's over 90% of woman were in low skilled paid employment
- 1972 - Higher maternity pay and pre-school child care
- Housing - Rent was 5% of income compared to 30% in the GDR
- Government announced an ambitious housing programme 4 million new homes - by 1988 there was around 2 million.
- The Church
- New agreement in 1978 - The Church recognised its need to work in the socialist society and in return its role in the state was increased
- As part of the 1978 march agreements open discussion of political issues could take place within the Church
- The Stasi
- The economy
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