- Created by: ed bee
- Created on: 21-04-17 11:39
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- great smog of 1952
- causes
- anticyclone over london, blocking air flow.
- created cold conditions. so people lit fires and coal burnt.
- high industrialisati-on
- air became trapped. smoke forced down by inversion of cyclone
- created cold conditions. so people lit fires and coal burnt.
- air became trapped. smoke forced down by inversion of cyclone
- 2000 tonnes of CO2 and 800 tonnes of S02 released daily.
- anticyclone over london, blocking air flow.
- effects
- a 200m thick layer of fog formed.
- 4000 people died. many more now have breathing problems.
- responses
- clean acts introduced in 1956.
- central heating help to prevent similar occurance
- causes
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