The Homestead Act 1862
- Created by: NHEESOMGREEN
- Created on: 28-05-18 12:58
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- The Homestead Act, 1862
- Promotes the settlement of the West; provided an incentive for people to take up unclaimed land in the west and build a new life.
- Made smaller plots of land and essentially gave then away to ordinary people.
- 160 acre homesteads for a family house and enough land to support a family.
- just $10 to register a claim to a homestead plot.
- encouraged the settlement of lots of individual families rather than rich landowners.
- head of the family, or single and over 21 - slaves and single women.
- had to live on the land and work it themselves.
- they could pay $30 and own their homestead outright.
- Made smaller plots of land and essentially gave then away to ordinary people.
- Significance of the Homestead Act
- Achievements
- over six million acres of government land had successfully become homestead
- ensured that parts of the Great Plains were being settled for the first time
- eventually 8 million acres of public land was settled as a direct consequence
- encouraged immigration from Europe.
- Limitations
- only 13 million acres of claims had been 'proved up'. by 1884.
- only 16% of public land was for homesteads, most went to railroads and cattle ranches.
- more homesteads were formed by people buying land from railroad companies.
- 60% of homestead claims were never proved up, challenges of farming the Plains.
- Rich land owners were able to use it to get more land very cheaply.
- many filed claims in order to sell it at a profit.
- Achievements
- Promotes the settlement of the West; provided an incentive for people to take up unclaimed land in the west and build a new life.
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