Impact of exercise
- Created by: Chriszam
- Created on: 08-11-16 16:06
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- The impact of exercise on the muscular and skeletal system
- Positive impacts
- There is an increase in peak bone mass
- Exercise varies the line of stress and stimulates an increase in the amount of calcium salts deposited in the bone
- Reduces the risk of osteoporosis
- Increases joint stability
- This is due to the development of strong ligaments healthy cartilage and good muscle tone
- Posture and alignment is improved
- The stabilizing muscles are strengthened
- The strengthened muscles than help the body cope with external forces as they are mechanically efficient
- Core stability is improved
- The benefit of this is that it will support the lumbar spine and as a result reduces the risk of you developing lower back problems
- There is an increase in peak bone mass
- Negative impacts
- Joint dislocation can occur
- If the articulating bones are forces from their normal position then the joint may cease to function properly
- Osteoarthritis
- The articular cartilage may become damaged or in some cases wear away
- This then exposes the bone tissue and this can lead to the formation of bone spurs
- The joint will then become swollen and painful and movement is severely limited
- This then exposes the bone tissue and this can lead to the formation of bone spurs
- The articular cartilage may become damaged or in some cases wear away
- Joint sprain
- This is a joint injury that stretches or tears a ligament.
- Constant wear and tear from physical activity can cause stretching of the ligament and this will reduce joint stability
- This is a joint injury that stretches or tears a ligament.
- Growth plate injuries
- This can result in abnormal growth of bone tissue (accelerated or decrease) or may stop bone growth all together
- Joint dislocation can occur
- Positive impacts
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