The impact of fossil fuel combustion and carbon sequestration on flows and stores of carbon
- Created by: EmilyM17
- Created on: 22-05-19 09:02
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- The impact of fossil fuel combustion and carbon sequestration on flows and stores of carbon
- Use of fossil fuels and the impacts on the carbon cycle
- Releases 10 billion tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere annually, increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration by over 1 ppm
- Impacts significantly on the size of the atmosphere, ocean and biosphere carbon stores
- Sequestration of waste carbon
- Possible solution to global warming from carbon being transferred to the atmosphere
- Capturing and storing CO2 released by power plants and industry = carbon capture and storage (CCS)
- 1. CO2 is separated from power station emissions
- 2. CO2 is compressed and transported by pipeline to storage areas
- 3. Finally CO2 is injected into porous rocks deep underground where it is stored permanently
- Effectiveness limited due to:
- big capital costs
- Drax and Peterhead projects will cost at least 1 billion
- using large amounts of energy
- 20% of a power plants output is needed to separate the CO2 and compress it
- requiring storage reservoirs with specific geological conditions
- i.e. porous rocks overlain by impermeable strata
- big capital costs
- Capturing and storing CO2 released by power plants and industry = carbon capture and storage (CCS)
- Possible solution to global warming from carbon being transferred to the atmosphere
- Use of fossil fuels and the impacts on the carbon cycle
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