The increasing support for fascism in the early 1920s was largely due to a overwhelming fear of socialism'- How far do you agree?

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  • The increasing support for fascism in the early 1920s was largely due to a overwhelming fear of socialism'- How far do you agree?
    • Point: Fear of socialism
      • Explain: The rise in Social discontent towards Liberal governance led to the Bienno Rosso years or the 'Two red years' at these times the communists and socialists were at their peaks, which pushed many towards the fascist movement.
      • Example (electoral): The PSI obtained the most seats in the 1921 election- 25% of the vote and 123 seats in the Chamber of deputies- this problem led to many people joining the Fascist movement out of fear of socialism
        • C/F: The fear of socialism could be overplayed. The movement did not have a uniting leader and figure head, which was a key factor to why the fascists were successful.
    • Impact of WW1
      • Example: Political impact- Occupation of the factories ( 1 month), Support for PPI in elections, divided liberal opinion
      • Example: Socially: Unemploymen-t was as at 2 million by 1920 and the Bienno Rosso showed widespread discontent.
      • Internationally- The embarrassment of the 'Mutilated Victory' (Treaty of London) casted the Liberal elite in a negative and weak frame in terms of international diplomacy.
    • Attractiveness of fascism
      • Role of Mussolini
        • Mussolini's populist platform was attractive to the urban working classes as well as the professional middle class. The foundation of the PNF accelerated this
          • The Middle Classes saw their savings wiped out in the post- war economic crisis. The value of the Lira collapsed and inflation was high meaning that that cost of living was significantly higher


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