The influence of the Godwin family II (final part)

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 20-05-17 17:49
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  • The influence of Godwin after Dover Fracas
    • Godwin recovery
      • Earls did nothing to prevent Godwin's counter-attack and restoration to power
      • In summer of 1052, Godwin and sons raised  fleet and sailed up Thames, granted safe passage by London, faced King across river and demanded restoration of estates
      • Edward's army would not fight and earls not act against Godwin
        • Edward's Norman followers fled
        • Godwin and Harold restored (Swegn died on return from pilgrimage)
        • Edward failed as he was only able to keep Godwin family away for a year
      • Civil war averted due to unwillingness of people and state observed law rather than naked revenge - desired to avoid unrest
      • Despite Godwin's return, he did not regain full control as Leofric and Siward would not allow it
      • Did destroy Edward's attempts at independent action
      • Short-lived victory as Godwin died in 1053
    • Harold, Earl of Wessex
      • Harold promoted to Earl of Wessex and Edith restored as Queen
      • Stability - owed much to Godwins but influence still growing
        • In 1055, Siward died and was replaced as Earl of Northumbria by Tostig, Harold's younger brother
        • Leofwine was made earl in SE
        • Ralf of Mantes died in 1057 and Harold was given Herefordshire lands
        • Gyrth granted earldom in East Anglia
    • Initially influence curbed by Ralf and Leofric (Mercian lands separated Tostig from other family members) but two died in 1057 and Godwin family gained control of SE and surrounded Mercia
    • Harold's influence led to him being known as sub-regulus or deputy King
    • Godwin role in maintaining Wales and preservation stability borders
      • Rising power of  Gruffydd ap Llewelyn which initially created unrest
      • 1055, Aelfgar, Earl of East Anglia, banished for treason but returned allied with Gruffydd and invaded Herefordshire and ransacked Hereford
      • Created unrest in border region
      • Harold who led an army against Gruffydd and refortified Hereford but unable to comprehensively defeat him and forced to come to terms
      • Gruffydd also subdued south of Wales and made himself  King of Wales, which added to his power and influence
      • At this point, Harold has been able to achieve very little and border region appeared to be unstable
      • In 1060s, balance changed dramatically
      • Gruffydd attacked Worcestershire but May 1063 Harold planned his revenge and while he attacked from South, Tostig attacked from North
      • War was savage but in pincer movement Gruffydd was encircled and then murdered by his own companions
      • Gruffydd's head was sent to Edward and land that had been surrendered to Gruffydd was taken back.
      • Welsh had been decisively beaten and Harold had secured border and it can be argued paved way for Norman conquest of Wales
      • Harold and Tostig had shown determination and military skills but also willingness to help Edward preserve unity of state
    • Even biography, Vita Edwardi (Life of King Edward), argues that unity and support of Godwin brothers was vital to English survival
    • Fall of Tostig
      • Although England appeared to be stable in period from 1053, instability was close to surface and erupted in 1065
      • Tostig's rule in Northumbria was harsh and he was accused by some, of murdering some thegns, as well as levying taxes
      • It was therefore perhaps no surprising that in autumn of 1065, rebellion broke out in Northumbria while Tostig was hunting with Edward
      • Rebels marched south and at York, killed Tostig's household troops and servants
      • They elected Morcar, son of Leofric, former Earl of Mercia, as Tostig's successor
      • Harold attempted to negotiate between rebels and Tostig but they would not take Tostig back, while he accused his brother of not supporting him
      • King attempted to raise force to fight rebels but people did not want civil war
      • In end, King has to accept results of rebellion and Tostig went into exile
      • Would have profound implications in 1066 when he returned to fight against Harold, but it also showed that north was not reconciled to rule of an earl from south and that Edward lacked authority to impose his will effectively.


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