The kendal project
- Created by: annagaskell
- Created on: 20-02-19 17:13
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- The Kendal project
- paul heelas and linda Woodhead, Lancaster uni, 2000-2002
- study spirituality and religiosity of congregational domain and holistic milleu
- Kendal- representative location
- congregational domain
- traditional practices
- headcounts of people attending church on sunday 26/11/2000
- 7.9% population
- holistic mileu
- marketplace of NAM's
- difficult to research, no formal setting, they didn't consider themselves spiritual
- interviewed, questionnaires, content analysis
- 1.7% population
- conclusion
- congregational domain in steep decline since 60's. holistic mileu non exsistent in 70's compared to now
- yellow pages analysis
- if same rate occurs there will be a spiritual revolution in 2025
- congregational domain in steep decline since 60's. holistic mileu non exsistent in 70's compared to now
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