The Liberal Democrat Party
- Created by: wanjikar
- Created on: 14-05-23 13:50
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- The Liberal Democrats
- Core Values
- liberty
- limited state interference
- privacy and individual rights
- social justice
- welfarism
- constitutionalism
- social reform
- multiculturalism
- the environment
- liberty
- Policies
- The Economy
- fairness of taxation
- redistribution of income
- pragmatic approach to economic management
- Law and Order
- law enforcement should be rehabilitative
- should not threaten human rights
- Welfare
- education and health are high priority
- benefits system should encourage work but support those who cannot
- The Economy
- Recent leaders and manifestos
- 2010 (Nick Clegg)
- coalition government with the Tory Party
- election promises were broken
- moderated Tory ideas
- 2019 manifesto (Jo Swinson)
- fund the NHS with a penny income tax rise
- legalise cannabis
- Generate 80% of energy from renewable sources by 2030.
- 2015 manifesto (Tim Farron)
- Committing to devolving more powers to local governments and regions.
- Prioritizing mental health services and reducing waiting times.
- eliminate the deficit by 2017-2018 through a balanced approach of spending cuts and increased taxes.
- 2010 (Nick Clegg)
- Background
- formed in 1988 by a merging of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party
- believe in both modern and classical liberalism
- modern liberalism
- greater state intervention w/ market regulation and welfare
- classical liberalism
- limited state intervention, equality, tolerance and freedom
- modern liberalism
- Core Values
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