The "Liberation of Europe"
- Created by: Lizz2002
- Created on: 14-01-21 07:48
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- The "Liberation of East and West Europe"
- Western Liberation
- Mussolini was removed in 1943, and from there Italy was seen as an ally. Italian forces assisted the allied advance and they took back the country
- Allied forces in France and neighboring countries were seen as liberators and brought much needed supplies to the areas. There was clearly no intent for annexing the territories
- The situation was more complex in Greece where communist rebels had helped liberate the country. Britain, however, sent in troops to defeat them and support the royalists
- Eastern Liberation
- Revenge
- The USSR suffered a lot in WWII
- Soviet forces treated the "liberated areas" much harsher. There was plunder of goods, ****, and the removal of ethnic Germans to labour camps
- Annexation
- Russian was given control of the territories it gained in the early years of the war. It also directly annexed more territory in Poland, Finland, the Baltics, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Romania
- Russia regained an areas of 470,000 meters squared and 24 million people
- Russian was given control of the territories it gained in the early years of the war. It also directly annexed more territory in Poland, Finland, the Baltics, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Romania
- Political Inflence
- As well as direct annexation, there was also the spread of Russian dominated politics
- Romaina
- USSR supported a coup of their king and appointed a communist gov
- Hungary
- Installed a coalition, and their gov was soon dominated by communists
- Bulgaria
- Soviet forces controlled them through a special council
- Poland
- Established the communist dominated Liberation committee
- Czech.
- communist negotiations strengthen by military presence
- Germany
- Set up left-wing SED to control their zone
- Romaina
- As well as direct annexation, there was also the spread of Russian dominated politics
- Revenge
- Western Liberation
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