The Miners Strike
- Created by: alex_bmth
- Created on: 23-03-18 10:14
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- The Miners Strike
- The Strike
- May 1984, Scargill organised pickets to protest pits that stayed open.
- National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers (NACODS) didn't strike = anger and resentment.
- Strike was illegal - gov. confiscated NUM funds and employed MI5 officers to infiltrate NUM and stay one step ahead of the miners.
- Police officers sent to police the strikes , their present provoked confrontation, some argued police were an army of occupation. Violent clashes with the police.
- Long term causes
- NUM (National Union of Miners) one of strongest unions in the country. Thatcher waited until second term to confront them.
- Wanted to show that the elected gov. ran Britain, not the unions.
- NUM brought down Conservative gov. of 1974. Battle had historic roots.
- 1978-79 'Winter of Discontent' turned public opinion against unions - Thatcher felt she had public backing.
- Nicholas Ridley introduced measures for dealing with unions (NUM)
- Laws against secondary action.
- Alternative sources of power so country wasn't dependent on coal.
- Reserves of stock so the country couldn't be held ransom.
- NUM (National Union of Miners) one of strongest unions in the country. Thatcher waited until second term to confront them.
- Short term causes
- Triggered by Thatchers determination to reform mining and union rights.
- Coal industry nationalised - government controlled British Coal.
- Thatcher appointed Canadian business man Ian Macgregor to be head of the Coal board.
- Thatcher was determined to reduce state subsidies to the mining industry.
- Taxpayers money has no place propping up unprofitable pits.
- Pit closures - devastating to mining communities & majority of adult men employed in mines.
- MacGregor had plans to cut subsidies and close 20 pits.
- Arthur Scargill - well-known left-winger determined to fight for coal and win.
- Claimed MacGregor was really going to close 70 pits )documents released later confirmed this).
- Scargill responded to the threat by announcing the strike.
- Claimed MacGregor was really going to close 70 pits )documents released later confirmed this).
- Arthur Scargill - well-known left-winger determined to fight for coal and win.
- Triggered by Thatchers determination to reform mining and union rights.
- Impact of the strike
- A turning point in British industrial relations.
- Trade Union militancy defeated. Gov. was committed to enforcing union laws.
- NUM lost 84% of members.
- Thatchers success allowed gov. to attack union rights.
- Laws introduced in 1988,89,90 & 93 reduced the rights of unions.
- Reduction in union power = reduction in union membership. Union membership declined 40%.
- Anti-union public support = Labour distanced themselves from unions.
- Reduced the size of mining industry.
- 94 pits out of 170 closed.
- Gov. showed they were prepared to deal with opposition in un-compromising manner.
- Thatcher was rewarded for her hardline approach and heightened authority.
- The Strike
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