8. The political campaign for women in the USA (1865-1960) - Equal Rights Amendment

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 04-06-17 16:01
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  • The political campaign for women in the USA (1865-1960) - Equal Rights Amendment
    • National Women's Party attempted to consolidate reforms by appealing for Equal Rights Amendment which would absolutely confirm move towards equality implied but not achieved in 1920
    • National Women's Party attempted to consolidate reforms by appealing for Equal Rights Amendment which would absolutely confirm move towards equality implied but not achieved in 1920
      • Divided opinion in women's  groups
    • Fear equal rights would remove some of protection women had already gained
      • E.g. working hours
        • Women working hours restricted to 8-10 in 36% of states by 1900
          • Supreme Court in 1912 declared state regulation was legal and by 1920 over 75% of states had passed regulations about female working hours
    • Unsuccessful due to division
      • Some more radical campaigners argued protection offered to women would have to extend to men
      • while others thought raising wages and working hours would lead to women unemployment due to there being no advantage to them being employed


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