The Progress of War- France 1793
- Created by: EBeckett
- Created on: 09-05-18 21:04
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- The Progress of War (11)
- Issues in 1793:
- Federalist revolts from early June 1793
- Revolt of the Vendee from March- Dec 1793
- France's military situation began to deteriorate
- reaction of the 'san-culottes'
- demanded that 'people' be given the opportunity to 'rise up' against their enemies
- demanded retribution on the military generals who had betrayed the people's trust.
- These pressures led to the decree for a levee en masse.
- Proposed by Bertrand Barere, in name of CPS, on 23 August 1793
- The Levee en masse
- All men without dependants were to five immediate military service (18-25)
- Married men to 'forge weapons and transport supplies'
- Women to 'make tents and serve in hospitals'
- Children to 'shred old linen for lint'
- The old were to be 'brought to public squares to excite courage of warriors, preach hatred of Kings and unity of the Republic
- France needed weapons and supplies more than fighters
- Lazare Carnot, Sait-Just, Prieur were responsible for this legislation
- created a commission of technicians and scientist
- supported development of the telegraph (Claude Chappe in 1792) to carry dispatches
- established a company of balloonists to observe enemy from the air
- Issues in 1793:
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