Right to Silence Checklist
- Created by: jutnut
- Created on: 10-07-17 12:08
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- The Right to Silence Checklist
- Is the Client fit to be interviewed?
- Is the client mentally competent?
- Has the Client already given an account?
- How will the client perform at interview?
- Is the Client fit to be interviewed?
- Is the client mentally competent?
- Is the Client fit to be interviewed?
- Do the clients instructions raise a defence in law?
- Has the client admitted guilt to you?
- Does the client want to admit guilt?
- Other Factors?
- Have the police fully disclosed their case?
- How strong is the case against your client?
- Is the client's account credible/ difficult to disprove?
- Is the matter too complex or too old for an immediate response?
- The general conduct of the police and the 'atmosphere' in which the invesitgation is being held?
- Will
the client’s co-operation in interview secure early release or prevent prosecution?
- What mitigation advantages may exist in early admission?
- Will the police offer an alternative to charge,
such as a caution, if the client admits the offence?
- Does your client have criminal convictions and will your client’s explanation involve an attack on a potential prosecution witness?
- Will
the client’s co-operation in interview secure early release or prevent prosecution?
- Should any aspect of your client's account be confirmed before interview?
- Is the Client fit to be interviewed?
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