The Rise of Hitler
- Created by: MORGANA
- Created on: 30-04-18 20:43
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- The Rise of Hitler
- September 1930 - both Communists and Nazis made gains in the elections
- Support for Nazis was boosted by the SA and its attacks on political opponents
- Hindenburg offered Hitler a position in the cabinet but refused saying he would only take the position of chancellor
- Hindenburg refused to carry on governing by decree, the only way he could control the Reichstag
- Hindenbrug ran for president as did Hitler. Hindenburg won with 19.4 million votes and Hitler with 13.4 million votes
- Nazis had the most seats in the Reichsatg and Hitler as head of the party should have been given the position of chancellor but Hindenbrug did not like Hitler
- Hindenburg called new elections. Nazis did not win as many seats but were still the biggest party
- 30 January 1933 - Hindenbrug appointed Hitler as chancellor - on the path for becoming dictator of Germnay by August 1934
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