Russia 1855- 1964 Russo Japanese war
- Created by: lilygharris
- Created on: 29-05-18 10:23
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- The Russo-Japanese war and revolution 1904-05
- Russia's relationship with Japan before 1904
- Quarrels over Korea and Manchuria
- Russia aimed to expand in the Far- East- negotiated a 25 yr lease of strategically placed Port Arthur from the Chinese
- Increased threat to Japan with the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway and occupation of Manchuria
- 1903 agreed to withdraw troops from Manchuria but reneged on the agreement, Feb 1904 Japan retaliated attacking Port Arthur
- The course of the war
- Disaster for Russia, defeated at Yalu, Port Arthur surrendered, naval fleet flounced at Tsushima straits
- Humiliating defeat at the Battle of Mukden
- Treaty of Portsmouth (Aug 1905), humiliating, forced to withdraw from Manchuria and Port Arthur, and accept Japanese sovereignity over Korea
- The effects of the Russo- Japanese war
- Tsar and govt blamed for losing war to inferior country, discontent in Russia mounted. Plehve, Minister of the Interior assassinated in July 1904
- Restrictions imposed on Zemstva activity by A III lifeted by N II but led to more open criticism of Tsar and demands for reform
- October 1905- October Manifesto, outlined plan for more representative form of govt, Duma, introduced to appease increasing number of opponents.
- Duma appeared to be revolutionary at first, a move towards constitutional monarchy, but Fundamental Laws 1906 retained Tsars autocratic control
- The war and the events of 1905: a revolution?
- 3rd January- strike at Putilov works
- 9th January- Bloody Sunday
- March- defeat of Russian army at Mukden
- June- All-Russian Union of Peasants established
- September- Mutinies in the army
- 8th October- strike by railway workers
- 13th October- St Petersburg Soviet established
- 17th October- Nicholas II published October Manifesto
- Russia's relationship with Japan before 1904
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