The Second Cold War
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- Created on: 11-12-19 17:49
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- Why did detente come to an end?
- USSR activities in Africa
- soviet expansionism in Angola and Ethiopia
- Rise of Neo-Conservatives
- Reagan attacking SALT II
- soft on communism
- Developments in Iran
- Iranian leader (shah) overthrown
- America lose access to oil
- seige of US embassy
- rise of Islamic fundamentalism
- Domestic problems for Carter
- oil shortages
- Iranian embassy humiliation
- attack by New Right
- Soviet violations of Helsinki accords
- soviet jews
- Andrei Sakhrovv
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
- response to security risk
- Brezhnev Doctrine
- USA response?
- refusal to ratify SALT II
- refused to trade grain with USSR
- boycott of Moscow Olympics
- increased spending on US arms
- Carter Doctrine
- nuclear threat
- USSR activities in Africa
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