The Seventh Century Anglo Saxons
- Created by: mima256
- Created on: 10-01-20 11:10
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- The Seventh Century
- King Readwald of East Anglia king during this time in the early 7th century
- most likely him buried in Sutton hoo
- excavated in 1939
- most likely him buried in Sutton hoo
- political turning point with the synod of Whitby
- church people present as well as king Oswiu
- Oswiu was one to call the meeting
- decision to favour the roman way of calculating easter
- church people present as well as king Oswiu
- Oswiu gets papal favour
- Pope appoints theodore of Tarsus as archbishop of canterbury
- political consequences due to the close ties with northumbrian kings
- not just political turning poijnt but also within the church itself
- theodore of tarsus a turning point in relgion and politics
- organisation of the church
- creation of smaller sees
- for pastoral care to your flock
- introduced church council
- good for the church as they dealt with problems
- included kings, abbots, abbesses, bishops
- Cuthbert argued this was a political group
- bede loves theodore
- political consequences due to the close ties with northumbrian kings
- use of law and kingship and identity
- Northumbria converted due to papal missionaries from kent
- in Northumbria when roman missionaries went it tended to lap
- Bede expressed his anxieties to Egbert the archbishops of York
- problems of the English church
- 685 turning point in relligion
- theodore of tarsus brought in a meiterranean influence
- ecclesiastical school in Canterbury
- period of 650-750 known as northumbrian renaissance
- 616 Aethelbert - the first Christian English king dies in kent
- Edwin king of Northumbria becomes first Christian king in the North
- influenced by Paulinus
- last missionary from pope Gregory I
- baptised in York
- His son King Oswald dies as a Christian martyr in battle in 642
- met his enemy Penda in battle
- Edwin also died in battle
- his relics were said to work miracles as far a field as southern germany
- influenced by Paulinus
- Aidan founds monastery at Lindisfarne in 633
- this time known as the Heptarchy - seven kingdosm
- King Readwald of East Anglia king during this time in the early 7th century
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