The Sixth Century
- Created by: mima256
- Created on: 10-01-20 10:29
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- The Sixth Century
- Gildas wrote his work concerning the ruin and conquest of Britain 550's
- worried about the anglo Saxons conquering
- turning point? no longer a stale mate - we see the advancement of the anglo saxons
- 540 Gildas writes about the arrival of the anglo saxons
- worried about the anglo Saxons conquering
- marriage of King Aethelbert to Bertha
- Bertha was a Frankish Princess
- she was a Christian and tried to help convert with St Augustine
- intensification of Frankish onctacts would make the king and aristocracy more powerful
- brought a chaplin with her - no doubt will have tried to convert aethelbert but did not succeed
- she was a Christian and tried to help convert with St Augustine
- Aethelberts law code could be a turning point
- it is our earliest / first vernacular text
- Bertha was a Frankish Princess
- st Augustine arrived in 597
- turning point - conversion of aethlebert
- couldn't convert due to bertha but this was a papal mission so more legitimate
- move away from Frankish christianityand closer to the papacy
- couldn't convert due to bertha but this was a papal mission so more legitimate
- Augustines mission ended up making Canterbury the archbishopric
- Canterbury the main ecclesiastical centre in England
- 597 a turning point for anglo saxon relations with the papacy
- Sent by pope Gregory the 1 in 595
- turning point - conversion of aethlebert
- the introduction of kent to the papacy and the franks introduced charters, knowledge, coinage
- Raedwald of East Anglia from the late 6th century until the eaerly 7th
- Raedwald had converted due to pressure from Aethelbert
- Aethelbert of kent not just king of kent but overlord of southern england
- Gildas wrote his work concerning the ruin and conquest of Britain 550's
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