The Tenth Century Anglo Saxons
- Created by: mima256
- Created on: 10-01-20 15:38
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- The Tenth Century
- Untitled
- Milestone of edgars coronation in 953
- first English king to be crowned all of englands king
- edgars coin reform ws a milestone in administration
- milestone in economic unity
- 10th century reformation
- wanted a regulated church
- promotion of virgin
- Cubitt - virginity associated with Aelfric
- yorke and Stafford argued that the reform movement diminished the importance of women
- Cubitt - virginity associated with Aelfric
- promotion of universal saints
- aethelstan promoted saint Cuthbert
- wanted this to increase his power
- Distinctive are aof 10th century reformation was importance of monastic cathedrals
- did not reach the north of England
- church may not have declined after 10th century reformation
- Wormald argues that ebde had a strong sence of influence on the 10th century reformation
- started at winchester
- aelfridges sermons were important
- turning point in the spreading of culture within the whole country as listening to the same sermons
- domination of al England by Wessex
- increased organisation in England
- end of century there was a revival of the Viking threat
- established kingdoms in York and dublin
- Levying of taxes of alfred - 10th century
- economy thriving for anglo saxon kings
- taxes and custom duties
- levying geld to make the Vikings stay away
- mass urban growth
- increased importance of manuscipts
- centralising government
- Aethelstan the first proper king of the English
- never married and had no children
- King 924-939
- social mobility
- change in settlement pattern
- urban growth
- villages with their own church
- more priests = less education
- priests no longer elite
- more priests = less education
- change in settlement pattern
- rivalry between different sons of kings for who will become king
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