Causes of the Terror (1793-94)
- Created by: Cazzalarr
- Created on: 14-05-16 17:47
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- Causes of The Terror (1793-1794)
- Political divisions
- Girondins and Montagnards are both desperate to hold power at this time
- They are attacking eachother at the convention regularly
- Disagreed over Louis and the government
- May 1793 - 100,000 national Guards demand the arrest of Girondins
- tensions were high as there was a power struggle
- Vendee Revolts
- Certain towns in the provinces began to rebel against food prices etc.
- many were against the reolution
- Massacres as they took villages
- Small amount of success in capturing towns
- Towns didn't work together and were therefore crushed
- Threatened the Jacobin government
- Undisciplined soldiers ***** and murder to gain back control
- Economic Issues
- Assignat price fell
- Inflation
- bad harvests
- Debts were still standing
- War meant foreign policy was priority on government spending
- Demands for a maximum price control
- Became called the general amximum
- Industrially, France was much behind other European countries
- Assignat price fell
- War
- Conscription was unpopular as was the representatives on mission
- Levee en masse was also unpopular
- France was war werey
- Extremely costly for the country - starvation in the provinces etc.
- Very few successes made the government unpopular
- Did eventually drive enemies out
- at one point, France was being attacked from all sides
- Conscription was unpopular as was the representatives on mission
- Political divisions
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