Factors affecting business location
- Created by: Mich112
- Created on: 02-11-18 17:02
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- Factors affecting business location
- Type of business
- A web design business could be set up from a bedroom
- A shop would need to be set up near potential customers
- A service delivering flowers to houses would need to take account of the road system
- Availability of raw materials
- Many businesses rely of raw materials
- They would need to be located somewhere that they can easily access them
- Many businesses rely of raw materials
- Proximity to the market
- A business will want to make sure that they know where its customers a located
- They would need to ensure that they are easily accessible to their customers
- Costs
- Many businesses choose their location based on what they can afford
- Start-up businesses have limited funds available which limits their options
- Successful businesses would be able to set up somewhere more popular and expensive
- Many businesses choose their location based on what they can afford
- Technology
- More businesses can be run from home due to things like the internet
- Transport links
- Some businesses aim to sell abroad so they might set up near an airport
- Some businesses want to set up in a place like london but they cant afford the rent so they locate somewhere outside but with effective road or train links
- Type of business
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