Weimar constitution
- Created by: emilyanderson
- Created on: 27-03-17 13:43
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- The Wiemar constituion
- The 1919 elections
- spd- 195 seats
- Over 80% of the electorate voted
- centre- 91 seats
- nationalists-44
- democrats-75
- peoples party-19
- uspd- 22
- Formed coalition with center and democrat 75% of votes
- Weaknesses
- Unclear whether ultimate authority lied with president or reichstag
- article 48
- provided president the authority to suspend civil rights
- article 48
- proportional representation encouaged the formation of new parties
- Unclear whether ultimate authority lied with president or reichstag
- Strengths
- built on traditional german practices
- German parties used to forming coalitions
- presidential powers were limited
- very democratic
- article 48
- The constitution
- Germany was to be a republic
- remained a federal state
- national level was governed by a president and a reichstag
- Reichstag was to initiate and approve legislation
- Chancellor had to have Reichstag's confidence
- Reichstag was to initiate and approve legislation
- Bill of rights guaranteed personal liberty
- passes in july 1919 by 262 votes to 75
- The 1919 elections
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