The Wild West 2
- Created by: alicemae1407
- Created on: 22-02-17 13:10
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- The Wild West 2
- Lack of law enforcement led to Vigilante groups
- Lack of formal law enforcement-vigilante groups sprang into places- Gold Rush boom towns
- Made up of ordinary citizens who tried to deliver law and order
- Later on vigilante groups were largely a tool of big business
- Used as a last resort against the 'outlaw' groups opposing the expansion of their empires
- Justice, legality, good and evil-matters of debate
- The Johnson County War
- Small landowners in Johnson County felt that the cattle barons were stealing their land
- Ranchers thought that the homesteaders were rustling (stealing) their cattle
- In 1889, a rancher called A.J. Bothwell wanted land claimed by a storekeeper called James Averill
- Averill lived with a prostitute called Ella Watson who had re branded cows
- Bothwell accused them both of rustling and a lynch mob murdered Watson and Averill in front of their cabin
- Averill lived with a prostitute called Ella Watson who had re branded cows
- In 1892, the Wyoming Stock Growers Association hired gunmen and drew up a hit list of 70 suspected rustlers
- They mounted a huge vigilante raid into Johnson County, calling themselves the 'regulators'
- The Union Pacific Railroad laid on a special train for them
- Killed two alleged rustlers
- The Stock Growers Association had influence with the government via the Republic Party and the President
- They used this to call out the army, who rescued the Regulators in a bloodless truce
- Despite the efforts of the locals, no prosecutions resulted
- Small landowners in Johnson County felt that the cattle barons were stealing their land
- Lack of law enforcement led to Vigilante groups
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